How Are You Momming?

How Are You Momming?

Taking on the mom role comes in so many shapes and forms. Our Dream team "mothers" in many ways, including taking care of furry friends, each other, and Mother Earth. Here are several examples of how we are momming:

Plant Mom - Kristen

House plants are my thing, so being a plant mom makes sense. Any open space I have is easily filled with a new philodendron, pothos, or maybe even a monstera! Getting to see my new plants grow, and the ones I've had for years get another new leaf, always makes me smile. I love watching the sunset, but it's even better when the sun sets and reflects the shadows of my plants onto my wall.

Gym Mom - Monica

Gym Mom Monica

I am the self-appointed gym mom.  My love for health and fitness has me spending a lot of time at the gym, listening to health-related podcasts, and creating my own fitness programs.  I won't hesitate to tell you to get more protein in your diet (1g of body weight per day - it's harder than you think!). 

Because I truly enjoy learning about how to be the best versions of ourselves, I happily talk shop about workout routines, and have helped others kick start their fitness journeys by sharing programs to get started. 

Mother Earth Mom - Amber

I love the natural world and environment around me, hence being dubbed the mother earth mom. Even my son, El, called me mother nature for a little bit. I also have a daugher, Kay, who loves to dig in the dirt to uncover earthworms.

I am the person that will promote planting native plants and will try to get you to convert your lawn to a natural woodland or meadow-- all in the name of saving pollinators and insects. I love watching the clouds roll by too and enjoy reading about topics related to weather and climatology. 

Cat Mom - Kelly

As a lover of all things furry, wearing a cat mom cap is a joy (in addition to being a person mom to my daughter, Diaz, and a dog mom to Macie.)

I often get teased in my house for spoiling the cats, Snoopy and Lola. Everyday I like to turn the tub faucet on to a trickle, creating a kitty fountain (and maybe sometimes I forget to turn it off.) I also love to give them extra attention and play time when Macie is out of the house on a walk. That way they can chase, leap, and catch without that doggone dog interruption.

Dog Mom - Jen

Recently, I welcomed Bucky Bo, or more commonly known around the house as "The Criminal." Becoming a puppy mom has been quite the transition. Luckily, I'm able to sleep through the night now--I just can't blink any time I'm awake.

Bucky is sweet and gentle in nature but gets a spunky twinkle in his eye when he's up to something. My daily routine has drastically changed and it has been all for the better. More memories, laughs, exercise, and love has filled my home because of him.

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