

Sad Animal Facts Book "Doodle" Signing with Brooke Barker


2-4 PM

1728 Penn Ave

Author Brooke Barker of the funny but slightly dark humored "Sad Animal Facts" will be at our Strip District location on Sunday, March 30th from 2-4 pm “doodle” signing her unique book. Check out her work on her Instagram here.




412 Day Tiny Tats with Telina

April 12th, 2025

1-4 PM

1728 Penn Ave

Telina Design of Tiny Tats will be at our Strip District location on Saturday, April 12th from 1-4pm.  Get your new flash tattoo for $100. 10% of proceeds go to The Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council. We will donate 10% of in-store sales that day too! It is highly encouraged to reserve your timeslot with Telina. You can call the salon at 412-667-9667  DM her on her Instagram account @telina.thebeautycompanyllc








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