Reach The Beach

Reach The Beach

After loads of consideration and weighing our options around safety, last month my family was lucky to  enjoy a trip to the Jersey shore. We drove as far East as we could go, all the way to Avalon, NJ. Our family bubble merged with several more family bubbles, in a large house with a pool.  It was incredible to all be together after being apart for the first half of 2020.

Upon arrival I gave small gifts from love, Pittsburgh to everyone in our house, including Koozies, Borealis travel candles, and our brand new Charm School bracelets made with Sarah from Metamorph. Everything was a hit!

Having so much downtime allowed for reading, bird watching, swimming, leisurely walks, and journal writing. I treasured every moment.

We chose to visit the beach early in the morning and every night at sunset golden hour. I already knew how much I love to search for seashells...

...but also found joy in small things like walking under piers, laughing along with seagulls, and finding horseshoe crabs covered in barnacles... 


It was magical to get away, to feel soft sand between my toes, meditate on rolling waves, and marvel at pastel sunsets every evening. Not only was the visit Best Day Ever, but Best Week Ever in a long long long time.

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