Maker We Love:  Samantha Kibbe's Valentine Sugar Cookies

Maker We Love: Samantha Kibbe's Valentine Sugar Cookies

Name and Company

Samantha Kibbe

What neighborhood do you live in?

Mt. Washington

Tell us about your brand

I love to use my experiences from different creative backgrounds to improve my projects.  I use painting and sculpting techniques when decorating baked goods and a 3D printer to design and print new cookie cutters or stencils that haven't been made yet!  


What's your story?

I have a wide range of professional experiences including cosmetology, baking, fabrication, painting, and many others along the way.  I enjoy combining my skills to create new and interesting techniques for my projects.   


What one product do we need to know about and why?

Cookies!  I experiment with many different cookies and recipes, but the royal icing sugar cookies hold their design better than any other frosting making them the best for favors or events!

In three words, why do you love Pittsburgh?

Many Talented People!

How can people find out more about you?

New website coming soon!


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