Erin Carlson
Ohio Township (Near Sewickley)
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Red Cottage Fiber Studio is the home and workspace of artist Erin Carlson. Red Cottage is about felting, weaving, and gardening. The needle felted sculptures are cute animals, the weavings are colorful and wearable, and the fibers are always natural.
What is your story?
Erin Carlson has been an artist and gardener all her life. Growing up in PA, she fell in love with the woods and streams and animals of the region, and IUP is where she fell in love with fibers. In her spare time, Erin gardens the large property surrounding Red Cottage. There are raised beds for vegetables, vast quantities of herbs, a wildflower meadow, herbaceous borders, natural dye plants, an alley of diverse foxgloves, and native plants that support many stages of local insect development and bird life. This year there is an added bed for growing flax to process into linen with the Cleveland Linen Experiment.
What product do we need to know about and why?
I love sending snail mail and I've heard that it is very nice to receive one of my cards (printed from photographs of my felted animals,) in your mailbox!
In three words, why do you love Pittsburgh?
Trees. Public steps. Apteka.
How can people find out more about you?
You can follow me on Instagram @redcottagefiberstudio or check out my website