PSquare Scents
What neighborhood do you live in?
Live in Avalon. Shop is in Bellevue.
Tell us the story about your brand. Why is it the best?
I am allergic to most of the hidden chemicals in the candle and fragrance business. I started working with candles, soap, & incense about 22 years ago to make cleaner scented items without all the hidden ingredients that causes headaches and other issues.
What is your background? How did it lead you to starting your brand?
My background is in hospitality management, My hobby at the time was keeping a clean smell good home! I am a self taught crafter in all things that smell amazing with clean ingredients. As time has gone on I combined my management of ingredients, PNL, and recipes from my day job and combined it into my business today!
What one product do we need to know about and why?
Our incense are made by the dipping method. A bamboo stick with a natural resin powder that soaks in a fragrant solution for days before drying for several more days and packaging. We don’t use typical incense ingredients for they are usually cut with harsh chemicals. We use a higher grade compound from natural ingredients along with cleaner oils. Our incense burn longer than normal brands and release a better scent because of the process and ingredients we and do to create these amazing sticks!
In three words, why do you love Pittsburgh?
Community and Scenery
How can people find out more about you? (Website, Etsy, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), @psquarescents