Maker We Love: Baxter and the Bear

Maker We Love: Baxter and the Bear

This maker brings smiles to everyone's face with his designs.  Keep reading to learn more about illustrator Dan from Baxter and the Bear.


Dan Grguras, Baxter and the Bear


 I live in Mt Lebanon with my wife, son, and dog Charlie

Tell us about your brand and why it’s the best

 I make art celebrating things that I love. My Pittsburgh posters are inspired by art commissioned by the WPA in the 1930s and 40s. The WPA posters were designed to promote good citizenship, illustrating ideas about everything from civics and education to safety and hygiene. They most famously celebrated our National Parks, encouraging people not only to visit the parks themselves, but to really appreciate the beauty in our shared spaces. That's exactly what I hope to illustrate in my Pittsburgh art. There's so much beauty in this city from our famous landmarks to our weird little idiosyncrasies.

What is your background and the story behind why you started Baxter and the Bear?

I'm self-taught in illustration and photography. My background is actually in film studies, and I got into the graphic arts through designing alternative movie posters. I always wanted to write about film but found it difficult to create a space for myself writing on the internet. I started making movie posters sort of from that frustration, and from there Baxter and the Bear was born. As I started popping up at art shows around the city, I got to meet people and fellow artists and makers, and those interactions are really what fueled the shop to grow. 

What one product do we need to know about and why?

The Heinz Field print is my newest Pittsburgh design, and the idea behind it was to capture the moment when "Renegade" plays and the crowd goes crazy. I like the idea of having a poster where no matter the year, no matter the season, Troy Polamalu is always putting Joe Flacco on his back in Heinz Field with Styx blaring on the PA system.

In three words, why do you love Pittsburgh?

 Pittsburghers live here.

How can people find out more about Baxter and the Bear?

My site is, and my preferred mode for social media is Instagram (@baxterandthebear).

Shop the rest of Baxter and the Bear collection here!

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