Ally Bartoszewicz is a newer artist to our shops. Her beloved "Pittsburgh in Bloom" skyline has quickly become a favorite amoungst guests!

What neighborhood do you live in?
Tell us the story about your brand. Why is it the best?
I’m here to celebrate life as it is and awaken our limitless imaginings for what’s to come. With lots of vibrant colors. My process involves layers upon layers of intuitive brushstrokes that evoke a depth of positive feeling in subjects I feel inspired to call to our attention— subjects like chipmunks, flowers, water, the sky, Pittsburgh, love, mental health, and even (especially!) Wednesdays.
What is your background? How did it lead you to starting your brand?
I have always been enchanted by the way art makes me slow down, connect with my heart, remember my innate playfulness, and pay attention to the beauty of life. I studied Creative Writing in undergrad, and spent a few years in the teaching field upon graduation. When I failed to outrun the reality of burnout despite my greatest efforts, art was there to help me heal. Simultaneously, people in my life were reaching out, increasingly, seemingly out of the blue, asking to purchase my work— and I realized that my dream career was right in front of me, waiting for me to finally claim it. 3.5 years later, I keep my beginnings in mind as I share the healing effects of art, and the importance of slowing down, tuning in, and trusting where the heart is leading us.
What one product do we need to know about and why?
"Pittsburgh in Bloom!" is one of my most-loved paintings, and I'm so excited to have prints of it at love, Pittsburgh. The painting was created for my friends' wedding, inspired by their flourishing local love story--and it's my hope that it becomes a celebration of YOUR stories tied to our beautiful city as well!
In three words, why do you love Pittsburgh?
Friendly, creative, LaGourmandineChocolateAlmondCroissant
How can people find out more about you?
Instagram: @allybartoszewicz