Loving love, Pittsburgh as a Summer Intern

Loving love, Pittsburgh as a Summer Intern

I found out about the love, Pittsburgh internship through the Tafel Center at the University of Pittsburgh. I am majoring in marketing at Pitt and I loved the idea of working with a small business, especially one that is centered around Pittsburgh artists. After meeting with Monica and Kelly, I knew that interning with the love, Pittsburgh team would be a perfect fit for me. 

intern team photo

Experience at love, Pittsburgh

I wanted the opportunity to take what I have learned in my marketing classes and apply it to a real-life setting. I enjoyed being able to work on projects that utilized my strengths and interests. I have a background in creative writing and liked being able to use my skills to write emails, press releases, and blog posts. 

It is much easier to see projects go from ideas to finished products when working in a small business setting. I had the idea to create a collection on the website of the whole team’s favorite items and was given full creative freedom. I also had the opportunity to partner with the Children’s Museum to help promote love, Pittsburgh’s feature in their gift shop. I was able to collaborate with another business and spent time at the museum taking pictures and videos to post on social media. It was great to see these projects start out as brainstorms and end in posts on Instagram or pages on the website.  

team polaroids

In the Future

I will be graduating this December and am looking forward to finishing school. While interning at love, Pittsburgh, I got to learn more about what interests me in marketing and how I can best use my skills. I have always been passionate about healthcare and would love to work as a marketer in the field. Having a job at Children’s Hospital would be a dream because I love working with and helping kids. 

No matter where I end up, I will always look back on my experience with love, Pittsburgh. I loved working with a team that was always supportive and appreciative of the work we were doing as interns. It was the perfect first internship. I can’t wait to stop by the stores to say, "Hi!" and, of course, buy some goodies. 


intern group photo
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