love, Pittsburgh Team Rainbows

love, Pittsburgh Team Rainbows

We launched our Pittsburgh rainbow campaign in May and challenged you to send us your positives about everyday life in Pittsburgh. Since then, our team has found an abundance of Pittsburgh Rainbows that we want to share with you! 

"My Pittsburgh Rainbow is aimless walks. I love  discovering and focusing on the things I usually miss, like birdsong, buds on trees, how wind sounds through leaves, baby bunnies, and now seeing smiling eyes above masked mouths" -Kelly

"My Pittsburgh Rainbow is being back in the city and seeing Pittsburgh’s kindness! I would never see something like this on my street in WV but it was on every corner this weekend." -Megan

"My latest rainbow is being able to pick and eat my own lettuce!!  Plus this rainbow I saw while walking on the Mount." -Jen

"My Pittsburgh Rainbow is using all of our together time to connect more with Chris. And I've taken on some projects at the house, the biggest was creating my raised garden bed in the back yard. I'm looking forward to all of the veggies we'll be eating later this summer." -Monica

"Today my Pittsburgh Rainbow is randomly discovering North Park. I was driving back from an appointment, took a wrong turn, and was pleasantly surprised by a beautiful view so I got out to explore." -Megan

What's your latest Pittsburgh Rainbow? 
  1. Take a photo of your Pittsburgh Rainbow. That could be anything from learning a new recipe, taking a walk, a good cup of coffee…etc.
  2. Upload that picture on social media with the caption (or something similar) “My Pittsburgh Rainbow is (fill in the blank).” Then tag and challenge a few other friends to take part!
  3. In that caption, make sure to include the hashtag #pittsburghrainbow and tag @lovepittsburghshop so that we can feature you on our social media and other campaign-related projects!  
We are hoping this ongoing campaign can help bring some happiness and unify our city. We can't wait to hear your Pittsburgh Rainbow!
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