There is something about summer that makes all fruits taste sweeter. From citrus to berries to the queen of picnics, watermelon, summer fruits inspire our next One Of a Kind Collection, Just Ripe.
Fresh squeezed citrus
We have so many fun fruity fabrics, that they are split between shops. Mount Washington showcases all things citrus hanging with their watermelon friends. Maple Street Jam just launched their Pride Jam, that tastes like a watermelon Jolly Rancher! You will also find our new unique houseplants and vintage vessels that double as planters.
Strawberry Fields Forever
At our Downtown shop, strawberries are the star. In addition to the upcycled strawberry print fabric notebooks by toomanysparkles, we have a few new Knotzland bowties, Kreepy Doll pals, and selected rad gifts for dad all together now.
more just ripe in store
Other shop favorites that fit right into this theme are North Avenue Candles Lemon Pie Candle, Black and Gold Blend from Steel City Salt with both lemon and orange peel, Workerbirds upcycled heart tin art, and Cultural District Tea from Tupelo Honey tea, a refreshing green tea blended with a twist of citrus-we love it over ice!
Enjoy your Summer summer summertime...