2022 Dream Team Aspirations

2022 Dream Team Aspirations

It's the time of year when you see the influx of resolutions and declarations for this next year. Whether you're a fan of setting resolutions or if you like to take the pressure off and rest--either way, we love the opportunity to reset, recharge, and remind ourselves of what we are grateful for and what we look forward to. 

Here are our dream team's aspirations for the next year. What are you looking forward to in 2022?


My resolution is to start volunteering at an animal shelter.


More yoga, knit pickle ornaments, make giant cloud prints, plan a fun weekly outing with kiddos. 


Get the same or beat my previous half marathon time in my rnr race in June. Expand business. Looking forward to spending the first month of the year in Brazil with my hubby and his fam and sister's grad school graduation!!


Make at least three trips somewhere, get into a routine with enough sleep and alone time, and get 4 hours or more of exercise per week. 


Take monthly backpacking hikes, challenge myself to exercise my creative muscle more often, and be intentional about creating more quality time with loved ones. 


Learn to crochet a stegosaurus, get at least 6-7 hours of sleep a night, tell people I love them more often, and do more volunteer work. 


Make time for self-care, get back on daily workout routine and work towards joining 5ks with the sis. Finish grad school winter of 2022, save for Brazil trip after graduation with the fam, grow with knitting and learn how to sew. Go to CA to visit the fam and be the best mom I can be to my Tina and Louise. 

Kelly Y

Make time for creative endeavors and finally get around to selling or giving away things I don't need anymore. 


Take more time for myself to get back into painting/hobbies, establish morning routine that will stick, learn a new skill towards my professional career, save enough to visit boyfriend's family in the Caribbean, and move into my own apartment!


Integrate nature into my life more by spending time outdoors, being in the woods, getting more houseplants and gardening. 

Kelly S

More nature walks, heavier hydration, and growth for love, Pittsburgh. 


We always love to hear about your own goals or hopes for the next year. Share them with us! 

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